Secret Garden Gala
With your generous support, the 2022 MCHF Gala brought in over $1,100,000, a first in crossing the million-dollar mark in our Foundation's fund-raising history. Most of the proceeds will go towards expanding services of Montreal Chinese Hospital (MCH) outpatient clinic servicing the Chinese and downtown Montreal communities.
This year, the MCHF Board has set sight to build an indoor-outdoor garden from our Hospital's existing first floor structure. This addition is expected to bring both physical, and as importantly, mental benefits to our residents. We intend to dedicate most of this year's gala proceeds towards making this "MCH Dream Garden" a reality.
We have chosen the theme, Secret Garden, for this year's Gala - an evening of mystique and intrigue foreshadowing the warmth, harmony and joy the Dream Garden would bring to Hospital's residents. The theme, Secret Garden, symbolises the rich inner life each one of our residents has lived, and will be further enriched by the peaceful, protected and lush green environment of the Dream Garden.
The MCH Foundation, in its 51st year of operation, aims to improve the well-being of Hospital's residents by providing supplementary equipment and services. Our Hospital, the only one of its kind in Canada, serves much more than a typical long-term care facility that offers special care to elderly Chinese and SE Asian communities in Montreal. Through its outpatient clinic, day-care services for seniors and children, and hosting of community workshops, MCH offers contribution comparable to a significant community engagement hub for Chinatown and its vicinity. MCH celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2018.
Plaza Volare
Armon Montreal Airport Hotel
6600 De la Côte-de-Liesse Rd, Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4T 1E3
Date : Saturday October 28, 2023 at 5:30pm
Individual Ticket: 500$
Regular Table: $5,000
Corp Table: $7,500
Should you wish to join us on this wonderful journey, please connect with our many ambassadors or directly with our coordinator, Ms. Linda Yee, at 514-871-0961 ext. 248 or at linda.yee.ccsmtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca to find out how you can help.
Thanking you in advance for your interest in the Montreal Chinese Hospital Foundation and hope to see you all during this very special Gala honoring the 50th anniversary of the Montreal Chinese Hospital Foundation.